Office of the CAO

Elaine Baxter-Trahair - Chief Administrative Officer
The Office of the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) oversees four program areas, Corporate Communications, Strategic Initiatives, Emergency Management and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, in addition to the corporate Department Head team.
Email Elaine Baxter-Trahair
Corporate Communications Office |
The Corporate Communications Office (CCO) provides strategic communications services to keep the public and staff informed about the programs and services of the Region of Durham. CCO works closely with the media, the community, Regional employees, stakeholders, and other levels of government. |
Strategic Initiatives |
Sandra Austin, Director – Strategic Initiatives
The Strategic Initiatives division leads the development and delivery of a number of Regional initiatives, including the Regional Strategic Plan and organizational performance, environmental sustainability and climate action, key policy files, government and community relations, and innovation.
Email Sandra Austin
Emergency Management |
James Kilgour, Director – Durham Emergency Management Office
The Durham Emergency Management Office (DEMO) is responsible for The Regional Municipality of Durham's emergency management program. The program keeps residents safe. It improves Durham's ability to recover from emergencies.
Email James Kilgour
Legal Services
Jason Hunt - Regional Solicitor
As Regional Solicitor and the Director of Legal Services, Jason oversees three operations within the Legal Services division of the Office of the CAO. A team of lawyers and the legal support team provide legal advice and representation to all of the departments across the corporation. The Provincial Offences Act - Court Services operates 4 courtrooms, a trial scheduling counter and a payment counter to address thousands of court matters a year. The Provincial Offences Act - Prosecution Services consists of a team of prosecution assistants and prosecutors who carry out the prosecution of offences under a number of provincial Acts (such as the Highway Traffic Act) as well as Regional Bylaws.
Email Jason Hunt
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Allison Hector-Alexander, Director - Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) division works with staff, service providers, and local communities to advance equity, reconciliation and anti-racism through evidence-based policies and practices. The team works on initiatives that support the Region’s commitment to creating an inclusive workplace and community where everyone feels a sense of belonging and each person’s contributions are valued.
The Division’s work is focused on identifying and removing barriers in the workplace and community that relate to one or more of the protected grounds of the Ontario Human Rights Code: citizenship, race, place of origin, ethnic origin, colour, ancestry, disability, age, creed, sex/pregnancy, family status, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, receipt of public assistance, and record of offences.
The DEI Division is responsible for:
- The Regional Community Safety and Well-Being Plan
- Multi Year Accessibility Plan
- Local Immigration Partnership
Through these programs we strategically lead Durham Region through several interconnected initiatives; education and awareness, improving access to services, building partnerships and programs, measuring diversity and inclusion, and developing practice frameworks to guide decision-making.
Email Allison Hector-Alexander
Corporate Services |

Barb Goodwin - Commissioner of Corporate Services
Corporate Services is comprised of four divisions: Human Resources, Information Technology, Legislative Services and Service Durham.
Email Barb Goodwin
Human Resources |
Louise O’Dell, Director - Human Resources
The Human Resources Division is committed to the Region’s corporate values by providing fair, transparent and efficient supports to its employees throughout the entire employee life cycle including: labour relations, human resources policy, compensation, benefits, diversity and inclusion, talent acquisition, organization development, and health, safety and wellness to support and ensure a well-qualified, diverse, healthy and supportive work environment to both its current and prospective employees.
Email Louise O'Dell
Information Technology |
Chi-Cheng Chu, Director - Information Technology
As Chief Information Officer (CIO) and Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), Chi-Cheng is responsible for the Regional Municipality of Durham’s information and digital technology needs.
Email Chi-Cheng Chu
Legislative Services |
Alexander Harras, Regional Clerk
The Legislative Services Division provides Council and Committee Support ensuring Statutory and Legislative Compliance to meet the requirements of the Municipal Act, the Municipal Elections Act, Corporate Policy and the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. In addition, this division is also responsible for the Information Management Program ensuring that official records are managed from creation to final disposition, and includes responding to requests for access to records and addressing privacy concerns.
Email Alexander Harras
Service Durham
Junaid Sarwar, Director – Service Durham
Service Durham is committed to the Region’s corporate value and strategic goal of Service Excellence for its customers. The division is responsible for myDurham 311 which aims to provide exceptional customer service by creating a consistent, convenient, and personalized experience, beginning with a clear point of contact – regardless of how customers choose to interact with the Region: online, by phone or in person.
Email Junaid Sarwar
Finance |

Nancy Taylor - Commissioner of Finance
The Finance Department handles the financial side of the organization. The department works to promote and maintain financial strength, stability and accountability. The Commissioner of Finance and Treasurer gives advice on financial decisions at the Region of Durham.
Email Nancy Taylor
The role of the Finance Department includes the fulfillment of the legislated duties of the Treasurer to receive and safely keep all money of the corporation, to keep all books of account and to prepare and publish financial statements, as required by the province. The activities of the divisions include the following:
Risk Management, Economic Studies & Procurement |
Mary Simpson, Director - Risk Management, Economic Studies & Procurement
The Director of Risk Management, Economic Studies & Procurement is responsible for long term strategic, risk and economic analysis for the Regional corporation and its agencies as well as centralized procurement and office services. This division’s functions include fiscal impact analysis and strategies, business case development, development charges, credit rating reviews and performance measurement; overseeing and coordinating the Enterprise Risk Management process and framework as well as risk management and mitigation for the Region and members of the Durham Municipal Insurance Pool; centralized procurement for all Regional services; and, the provision of mail, postage, courier, inventory, disposal of assets, centralized high speed print services and shipping/receiving at Regional Headquarters.
Email Mary Simpson
Financial Services |
Joanne Cermak, Director - Financial Services
The Director of Financial Services is responsible for the centralized financial accounting and reporting for all Regional activities, including Durham Region Transit and the Durham Regional Local Housing Corporation. This includes the collection and securing monies, the payment of liabilities and the preparation and publishing of the financial statements for the Regional Corporation.
Email Joanne Cermak
Business Planning & Budgeting |
Nicole Pincombe, Director - Business Planning and Budgeting
The Director of Business Planning & Budgeting is responsible for leading the Region’s Business Planning and Budget process; Operating and Capital forecasts, corporate-wide asset management, preparing the Annual Property Tax Study, including the setting of property tax policy and rates, and setting of water supply and sanitary sewer user rates.
Email Nicole Pincombe
Financial Solutions, Utility Finance & Investment Portfolio Management
Chanel Chai - Financial Solutions, Utility Finance & Investment Portfolio Management
The Director of Financial Solutions, Utility Finance & Investment Portfolio Management is responsible for the corporation’s Financial Information Management and Human Capital Management systems, including Durham Regional Police Service and Durham Region Transit; water meter reading, billing and customer service activities of the Utility Finance Division; managing the Region’s investments; and managing the Region’s and local Municipalities debt instruments.
Health |

Dr. Robert Kyle - Medical Officer of Health
The Health Department is responsible for the delivery of public health programs and services.
Email Dr. Kyle
Business Affairs |
Zahra Jaffer, Director - Business Affairs
Business Affairs is responsible for the financial management, facilities and privacy and security within the department as well as the administrative staff that support all divisions within the department.
Email Zahra Jaffer
Health Protection |
Anthony Di Pietro, Director - Health Protection
The division acts as protectors of the public's health through inspection, investigation and enforcement of various Acts and Regulations governing food safety, safe water, infectious diseases, health hazards and control of smoking and vaping in public places and the workplace.
Email Anthony Di Pietro
Oral Health |
Dr. Maryam Pezeshki, Director - Oral Health
Responsible for school dental screening, oral health promotion and education, and oral health clinical programs to assist low income families and seniors in Durham Region access dental care.
Email Dr. Pezeshki
Paramedic Services |
Troy Cheseboro, Chief - Region of Durham Paramedic Services
The Chief provides divisional oversight and planning for all areas of Paramedic Services.
Email Troy Cheseboro
Population Health |
Kavine Thangaraj, Director - Population Health and Chief Nursing Officer
Population Health Division is responsible for the delivery of the following programs: Healthy Living, Healthy Families, Infant and Child Development, Infectious Disease Prevention and Control, Immunization and Durham Health Connection Line.
Email Kavine Thangaraj
Community Growth and Economic Development |

Brian Bridgeman - Commissioner of Community Growth and Economic Development
The Community Growth and Economic Development Department is responsible for managing growth and development in Durham Region.
Email Brian Bridgeman
Community Growth Division |
Colleen Goodchild, Director - Community Growth
Overall responsibility for the Community Growth Division including oversight of Durham Region’s Official Plan, providing guidance and direction for a variety of strategic long-range planning initiatives, development planning approvals, transportation policy, the Region’s Official Plan Review and various projects under the Region’s Transportation Master Plan.
Email Colleen Goodchild
Economic Development and Tourism Division |
Simon Gill, Director - Economic Development
Economic Development and Tourism is responsible for supporting the growth of our Regional economy through marketing, providing business services to attract new investment, enabling a vibrant tourism industry, as well as providing agricultural and rural programming in the northern townships.
Email Simon Gill
Social Services |

Stella Danos-Papaconstantinou - Commissioner of Social Services
Six divisions make up the Social Services Department. These divisions provide professional and high-quality services for Durham Region residents.
Email Stella Danos-Papaconstantinou
Business Affairs and Financial Management |
Jonathan Dixon, Director - Business Affairs and Financial Management
The Business Affairs and Financial Management Division oversees Social Services business planning and budgets; emergency social services; financial and administrative support services.
Email Jonathan Dixon
Children's Services |
Julie Gaskin, Director - Children's Services
The Children's Services Division plans, manages and oversees funding for Durham's early years and child care system. The division takes a lead role in Durham's Best Start Network and operates seven licensed early learning and child care programs as well as Durham Behaviour Management Services.
Email Julie Gaskin
Family Services |
Marusia Laschuk, Director - Family Services
The Family Services Division helps to improve the quality of life for people living or working in Durham Region who are experiencing mental health and other issues by providing professional and accessible counselling, psychotherapy, education and other support services.
Email Marusia Laschuk
Housing Services |
Erin Valant, Director - Housing Services
Housing Services supports social housing providers and manages properties directly owned by the Region. It also funds programs to prevent homelessness and encourages the creation of affordable housing.
Email Erin Valant
Income, Employment and Homelessness Support |
Lisa McIntosh, Director - Income, Employment and Homelessness Support
Income, Employment and Homelessness Support delivers the Ontario Works Program. Ontario Works gives financial assistance and basic health benefits to people in need. A wide range of employment services are also available to help people find jobs.
Email Lisa McIntosh
Long-Term Care and Services for Seniors |
Laura MacDermaid, Director - Long-Term Care and Services for Seniors
The Long-Term Care and Services for Seniors Division provides programs and services in four Regionally owned and operated accredited long-term care homes. The division also provides respite care, caregiver relief, Meals-on-Wheels programs and Adult Day programs.
Email Laura MacDermaid
Transit |

Bill Holmes - General Manager
Durham Region Transit (DRT) is responsible to plan, schedule, and deliver public transit for the Region of Durham, collaborating with our stakeholders to provide innovative mobility and technology solutions for residents and visitors regardless of where they live, work or travel across the Region.
Email Bill Holmes
Maintenance |
James Kilgour, Deputy General Manager - Maintenance
Maintenance team members ensure all DRT vehicles are maintained, serviced and cleaned to meet or exceed safety standards.
Our team also manages bus stops and bus stop furnishings to ensure they are safe and accessible. We work collaboratively with stakeholders to manage DRT buildings and properties, and lead capital projects such as new vehicle acquisitions, and facility construction and renovation projects.
Email James Kilgour
Operations |
Anthony Pezzetti, Deputy General Manager - Operations
The Operations team plans and delivers scheduled, specialized and On Demand transit services across Durham Region. In addition, the Operations team develops and delivers training curriculum for new and existing operators and support staff across the organization. On a daily basis, professional operators are supported by mobile supervisors, controllers at the Transit Control Centre and dispatchers. Behind the scenes, the team undertakes short and medium planning of transit services, operational planning and scheduling, and support strategic regional and GTHA-wide transit initiatives.
Email Anthony Pezzetti
Business Services |
 Kris Hornburg, Deputy General Manager - Business Services
Business Services provides leadership in the delivery of core business functions including customer service, safety and training, financial planning, technical services and data analytics, in addition to customer-focused fare initiatives and strategic modernization projects.
Email Kris Hornburg

John Presta - Commissioner of Works
Ramesh Jagannathan - Commissioner of Works
Email Commissioners of Works
The Works Department provides services for residents and businesses in the Durham Region:
- Drinking water distribution and treatment
- Sewage collection and treatment
- Maintenance of Regional roads
- Waste management
Capital Projects Delivery |
Dan Waechter, Director - Capital Projects Delivery
Responsible for the design and construction of Regional roads, bridges, sanitary sewer collection and water distribution systems, water supply plants, reservoirs and booster pumping stations, water pollution control plants and pumping stations, as well as infrastructure asset management strategies.
Email Dan Waechter
Corporate Infrastructure and Strategic Business Services |
Christine Dunkley, Director - Corporate Infrastructure and Strategic Business Services
Areas of responsibility include real estate acquisitions and disposals; property management activities including the general management of the Durham Region Forest tracts; the management of Regional facilities and leased premises including design, construction, operation, maintenance and demolition activities; the operation and management of Regional Headquarters; the coordination of comments related to various development applications, servicing and subdivision agreements; the issuance of water and sewer connection permits; and the provision of financial and administrative support for all Works Department programs.
Email Christine Dunkley
Environmental Services |
Mike Hubble, Director - Environmental Services
Responsible for planning, design, construction, operation and maintenance of water supply and sanitary sewerage services.
Email Mike Hubble
Transportation and Field Services |
David Dunn, Director - Transportation and Field Services
Responsible for corridor management, rapid transit, and the operations and maintenance of Regional roads, traffic signals, and linear water and sewer infrastructure.
Email David Dunn
Waste Management Services |
Andrew Evans, Director - Waste Management Services
Responsible for systems policy development, planning and design, effective and efficient garbage, organics and composting collection and processing service delivery to support diversion in Durham's residential sector.
Email Andrew Evans