Imagine a Day Without Water
In celebration of Imagine a Day Without Water on October 23, the Region has launched a drawing challenge!
What you need to know:
- The challenge is open to Durham residents 18 years of age and under.
- Draw or paint a picture of what water means to you and your family.
- If your drawing is one of the several chosen, your creation may be featured in the Spring 2019 issue of Durham Works, on our website, or in Regional Water reports! You may also receive a copy of the educational picture book “Why Water’s Worth it”.
- Challenge entry ends Tuesday, December 31 at noon.
- Send your drawings by email to
Good luck!
Questions? Email us.
*Please note that by sharing images you are giving consent to the Region of Durham to use your images in any future promotions and materials.
About Imagine a Day Without Water
On October 23, Durham Region is participating in the Value of Water Coalition’s Imagine a Day Without Water (IADWW) to raise awareness about the crucial need for investment in water infrastructure systems.
IADWW is a nationwide day of education and advocacy about the value of water. It not only tells the stories of the challenges we face when our water infrastructure fails, but also of the innovative solutions being implemented in communities nationwide.
For more information on Durham Region’s water systems, visit
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